Update on Sunday Photo Group Dates

There was an error in the site section here on the Sunday Photo Group which made it appear that there would not be a meeting in July. This was in error.

We will be meeting at least in July, August and September on the usual "last Sundays", which are July 26, August 30, and September 27. My apologies for any confusion.

July 26: Quick Take: Organizing and finding your images in Lightroom

I will be giving a short introductory workshop on organizing/locating images in Lightroom. 

Organizing and finding your images in Lightroom Digital cameras make it possible to rapidly thousands of images but how do you find the ones that really matter a few years later? Look at the tools Adobe Lightroom provides for organizing your images using folders and keywords. Learn to apply tools for different needs, from the beginning weekend shooter to the semipro who is looking to start selling images via stock photography. 

This workshop is part of the Quick Take series, a sequence of short, introductory classes on individual technical topics. These are often held on evenings following PhotoCentral's free Sunday Photo Group, allowing photographers to easily schedule both in a given day.

PhotoCentral's fee is $125 for residents, $10 more for non-residents of the district. You don't need to bring anything to class (except what you might want to bring to take notes.)  The workshop will be 5:30-8:30pm at PhotoCentral's conference room, at 1099 E St. in Hayward, upstairs.

Sign up now, registration is open at PhotoCentral. If this is your first time taking a class with PhotoCentral please be advised that you'll need to contact them via phone to set up an account first. Call 510-881-6721 for more information.